Friday, August 17, 2012

Then there was the last day of DCL...

I woke up this morning with a slight headache. Last night was pretty crazy at the Wall. Since we did our final on Thursday, our instructor Matte decided to join us that night for drinks at the University College Utrecht (UCU) campus for our home-made "graduation" party at "the Wall" (where some of the people from UCEAP are living this year). It was just some good old fashioned college bonding over a drink or two... or three...
But enough about that.
After a crazy, hectic morning of packing and moving our stuff down to the Utrecht Summer School office on Janskerkhof (pronounced "Yains-kair-koff", and don't forget to roll your R's), we headed over to the Dom Tower to climb to the top. It's the highest church tower of the entire Netherlands, and we were able to see Amsterdam from the top. It's about 450 steps to get up there, so it was definitely our morning workout. I got to bang one of the bells with a sledgehammer inside, too! ...I think there's a picture of that somewhere. I'll try and find it.
After Dom Tower we went back to Broer's for final drinks. Everyone was allowed two drinks paid for by them. I was not quite in the mood for beer yet, similar to a number of other people, and thus Chocomelk (chocolate milk) ended up being the drink of choice for us college kids. And as we all know, Chocomelk is the only obvious alternative to beer or wine, of course.
Afterwards, Josh, Jun, and I went over to HEMA (the Dutch version of Target) for a cheap lunch of Turkish pizza and mustard soup, and shortly went back to Josh's place with Michael to drop off some luggage.
I slept for three hours this afternoon at Josh's place, and it was glorious.
We started to teach Michael how to ride a bike! ...which can only go so well for the first day. But it went alright- he was able to go by himself for at least fifteen feet until he hit grass. It's a work in progress. We determined that swimming and biking are two skills every child should learn growing up. Yes, Michael knows how to swim.
I went downtown with Erin, Joey, and Katrina for a drink in Neude Square (Nyoo-deh Square) in the evening, and we people watched and talked about animal genetics and travel plans and complained about the administration people and it was a very pleasant evening for everyone. Came back to UCU, stopped by the Wall to say hi (they were all planning their trip to Belgium this weekend) and now finishing up this blog post.
I have still not posted pictures to this blog, I apologize. For now I have been using Facebook to dump all my pictures into, so I hope everyone has had a chance to see a couple on my page.
It's really humid here, I feel like I've been dropped off in Florida. It's supposed to be something like 95 degrees Fahrenheit here over the weekend, and there's so much water in the air I'm sticking to anything that feels like leather. Long story short: it's hot and it's muggy. But my god it's beautiful :)
By the way, I have my housing organized for the first full week in England. Transportation is another story, but it'll happen. Via CouchSurfing, I've made contact with a host in Scotland near this castle: and this bridge: , which means I cannot wait to see what else the Scots have to offer. I am getting very anxious for tomorrow's train ride to London.
More on that later.
Wish me luck!

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